Check out who's Talking About Us! We know, we are honking our own horn,
but hey, we are tickled pink people are talking about us!
If you are looking for testimonials on our products, please visit our Customer Testimonials page on our store.
5/8/2013 We are thrilled to find out that the corporate headquarters of Hertz is moving to Southwest Florida. We just discovered today that Hertz hired a relocation service to put together a brochure for employees relocating and of the 2 links they have under Sports & Recreation / Fishing, we are the first link! Ya-hoo, we are recognized as a leading resource for fishing by a fortune 500 company!
Follett Software recognizes our Hazards to Avoid webpage as a great educational resource for grades 6 to 12!
This company offers a paid service for school districts around the country.
The below testimonials are emails and website Contact form submissions. We did not edit the content but did mask the senders name to protect their privacy. This list is not inclusive, we get tons of compliments all the time!
01/28/14 Website Visitor Message from our Contact Page
Our family & friends usually vacation in N or S Carolina. We look for areas with GREAT Fishing,crabbing,shrimping, diving & Yaking opportunities,,, both offshore & inside the OBX. I can\'t wait for your Jacksonville to Daytona reef data. Now that I've found your GPS info on Florida reefs, with the symbols for spearfishing & diving, WE JUST MIGHT TRAVEL FARTHER SOUTH! I will post your websight info on OUR (40,000-50,000 member) fishing & hunting websight OhioGame&Fishing. (maybe you should too?) Thank You Very Much! Jerry
4/06/2013 Email from Rob P. of Tampa
"Great newsletter edition!!"
3/10/2013 Website Visitor Message from our Contact Page
"Your GPS lists are the most thorough I have seen. They're amazing. I was aware of the many reefs but you'v listed parts of these reefs (reeves? lol) that I had no idea existed. I'd sure like to find one person who has visited Minesweeper...just one. Just to let me know it's really out there. A dive site says it is.
If I could find the donate here tab or something I would. I really appreciate all you do. My parents live in Naples and I keep my boat in their slip. I'm in Ohio but visit every 5 weeks about for a few days. Never enough time to really mark the numbers for sure but getting there. I'm planning a Keys trip this summer...should be toasty.
Thanks again. I'll sign up for the newsletter and continue to look for the how to donate. I'm a man so it's probably right in front of my face but I can't see it. Oh yeah, I admit it. :)
Lol, just as I clicked send I saw the fat yellow and blue Donate button at the bottom...I told you it was probably right in front of my face. How funny!"
1/30/2013 Bountiful Seines
"The seining page is totally awesome! Just totally friggin awesome! Thanks for that plug for Treasure Coast Tackle; I know how happy that will make her!"
1/11/2013 FWC Employee - Division of Marine Fisheries - Artificial Reef Program
"I have been keeping an eye on your website and am very impressed with the quality of information and format. Keep up the great work."
12/12/2012 Greg, owner of ThisWayToThe.net
"You are doing some great work and attributed me for mine. I know you're a real person and not some sweatshop cookie cutter website get rich quick scheme. You have a great site. You deserve whatever traffic you get. I like your site so much I put your ad in the header and the footer on my site and at the top of the rotation list."
12/09/12 Website Visitor Email
"Hi how often do you send out email updates? Found this one from Nov. please keep them coming. Thanks Howard"
10/27/2012 FWC Emplyee - Marine Fisheries Management
"I did want to mention that I thought you're doing a great job as webmaster. Articles are interesting and informative."
10/12/2012 Russ Who Tested Our KML Files On-The-Water
"I'm going fishing tomorrow, out of Destin Pass (Destin's East Pass). If you can send me a KML file for Okaloosa County or #s within five miles and within 10 miles of Destin, that would be great. I would be glad to pay for them if you have the E-commerce set up.
This is simply a request, not a life or death mandate. I know you are very busy getting things set up, so if you need to stay "on course", don't think twice about it. I can get the KMLs from you later.
The more I browse your site, the more I appreciate the work you have done. I took great interest in the article about horseshoe crabs. I am been interested in them ever since I discovered a horseshoe crab "nursery" in Port St. Joe (that is, "St Josephs Bay" -- I think). At the right time of year, you can find thousands of baby horseshoe crabs in an inch or two of water, right next to beach. The water (in summer) is so hot that you almost can't wade in it. At any given moment, they are all the same size, but over the years I have seen them vary from 1inch to 5 inches total length. My undergrad studies were in biology, but I did not know that horseshoe crabs are not crabs! Cool!"
8/12/2012 Carol from Mexico Beach Artificial Reef Association (MBARA)
"I wanted to let you know that your web site helped me locate some lobsters in Key West this past week. I really loved the info on no-take zones, etc."
6/29/2012 Email from KML Files Tester
"Thank you very much for your quick reply. I also appreciate you forwarding the link for the interactive Chart. I have downloaded the software for the 3-D view and I have to say that is very cool. I also want thank you for sending the Reef Charts I requested. Let me take a look at the forum after I come back from vacation. I work close to 90 hours a week; so I have so little free time these days. Again, many thanks for the quick response and supplying me with some great information.
Best Regards! Sim"
6/24/2012 James Who Needed Help Converting GPS Numbers
"I came across your website while trying to find some reef coordinates. Awesome site! The coordinates you have are listed as GPS and I cannot figure out how to convert them to degrees minutes and seconds so that I can put them in my chart finder, can you help with this."
6/19/12 Spearboard Forum Private Message to Us
"Holy Shit that is awesome! I can't thank you enough. I can't compliment you or thank you enough for the wealth of info on this site. Its about time someone did it. Great work. I'll be spreading the word."
6/15/2012 Nicholas - Website Visitor Sending Us Message from our Contact Form
"I just want to say thanks for your time and effort to put this site together. I have searched for 3 hours on spearfishing off key largo and your site is the most informative yet."
6/05/2012 Todd, NOAA FKNMS Employee Reviewing Our Keys Reef Chart Rules
"I had a chance to go through your site this morning. I did not find any errors as far as rules on my first read through. I will run through it one more time today to see if I missed something. I must say that the site looks great and you did a great job making all of the information clear and available. I know how much effort and time you must have taken to assemble all of that info. I like the symbols that you went with too....they are very easy to understand. I appreciate your efforts to reach out to the Sanctuary and be accurate in the information you are putting out there. I will definately be happy to reccomend anglers to your site. I will let you know if I find any glaring errors after my next read through, but I think it looks good. Will you be maintaining the website info personally? I ask because I will try to send you any updates to information as I get them. Also, we are going through the regulatory and zoning review over the next few years and I am sure that there will be at least some significant changes to the zones eventually."
6/4/2012 FWC Employee Reviewing our Reef Chart Rules
"Well done! I am impressed with the quality and readability of your web page. Your illustrations take a complex series of regulations and present them in a very easy to understand, 'quick glance' guide. It seems you are in contact with the right staff at FWC and NOAA. Would it be O.K. for me to forward your link to our FWC Division of Marine Fisheries staff here in Tallahassee?"
5/18/2012 Tommy Looking for Advice on Where to Fish in Naples
"Thank you very much for your advice. ... I found it very informative and well done. Check on me from time to time to keep me straight."
4/2/2012 Luzie, Google Product Forum
"very nice fishing sites :-) "
4/5/2012 Capt. Tris from Last Mango Charters, Fort Pierce Who Has Ads on our Charter Boat Directory Page
"Nice work on this months page. Hope that all goes well with you.
We had our best March ever with 24 days booked and only three weather days where the seas were unacceptable and we cancelled. April is shaping up nicely as well!
Hey; if you watch River Monsters. the Last Mango is the pretty sportfish in their season premier episode called American Killers. It's in the Bull Shark piece. We had their film crew on board for five days and toured the Indian River in preparation for their bull shark fishing piece. They edited out the name of the boat but the shots show Last Mango decals on the 5 gal buckets in many of the shots. Also, the Mango is so distinctive that I've been deluged with calls and emails from fans who recognized her by her distinctive appearance..
I have some shots I took of Jeremy on board that I will send you."
4/5/2012 Newsletter Subscriber from Isles of Capri
"Your newsletter is great! Thanks for sharing. Ann"
3/31/12 Rob Phillips, Volunteer Author on FloridaGoFishing.com, Smuggling Blues Creator
"Thx! And again, thx for letting me be a part of your awesome site! Rob "
3/8/2012 A Friend Comments after their 1st Visit to Our Site
"Oh my God!! You are like a little seed sprouting into a wild blossoming 200 foot tree in the rainforest! ha ha ha Those pictures are so awesome! I can't believe how good all your pages are!!! Totally Fantastic!! I have such an excited feeling in my chest right now!!!"
3/7/2012 Brandon from Panama City
"I have bay co list I wasnt sure of which ones on list could be in st andrew bay. Thank you for helpimg, you guys are doing a great thing with the free list, ive passed info on to several people who dive and love to fish like myself. Thank you"
3/5/2012 Jim from Melbourne
"Your doing a great job! I was impressed when I first found the site at the amount of solid information available. If you keep up with the content and provide good fresh information, it will be an excellent, top-rated site when your done. One of my pet peeves with other fishing sites are the ones that provide a "fishing report" section and when you go to view the reports, they are months or even years old! Why bother if you can't get real time reports?"
2/9/2012 Matt from Key Largo
"I think it's more to do with the fact that you have a really good website. Apart from a few minor typos, I found it very informative, easy to read and understand and fun. I also like your choice and use of images. Good quality content both attracts visitors and keeps them there, rather like fish chum and groundbait does with fish. I particularly liked this quote in How to Make Chum: "There is nothing like an eyeball or two the improve the bite." It's a quality site that deserves to do well."
12/14/2011 Mitch from Miami Using our GPS Reef Chart
"I think the sorting feature is a great option (he is talking about the sorting feature on our online charts) and it really does not slow down the loading of the coordinates very much. Certainly well worth the loss of 4-5 seconds on my computer.
As a boater, diver, fisherman, and kayaker, I appreciate the inclusion of islands on the list. I am constantly on the lookout for sources of locales for any of those activities and your database will be great for all of them. Great website in general, nice to see you have sponsors/advertising.
Thank you so much. I am really impressed with how comprehensive it is! Thanks again"
Social Media
4/19/2013 Facebook - Bountiful Seines Post
Friday's Favorite Small Business
FloridaGoFishing.com Don't let the massive size of this all-inclusive Florida fishing web site fool you - it IS a small business. This site includes detailed information on boating, diving, offshore and inshore fishing, lobstering, seining, rentals, bait, and much, much more. You can get your GPS coordinate charts directly from FGF. The effort behind building this site is exemplary, and is appreciated by ocean lovers and fishermen worldwide. Salute!
Forums Talking About Us
Date | Forum | What Their Talking About |
4/20/2013 | floridasportsman | User looking for advice on building a fishing cart "?? some pretty good homemade fishing cart pics here" |
4/20/2013 | keysproperties | Referal for fishing, diving & boating: "Find in-depth information on fishing throughout the Sunshine State on Florida Go Fishing, and angler's guide to Florida with an emphasis on fun! " |
4/15/2013 | spearboard | Looking for advice on where to pole spearing in the Keys. User Response: "Check this site out. Layers upon layers of good info." Response after visiting our webiste: "That is exactly the kind of site ive been looking for with maps and outlines of where the preserves and parks are." |
4/13/2013 | thehulltruth | Looking for GPS numbers and fishing information for a 1 week trip to Marathon. |
3/19/2013 | floridasportsman | Tourist asking advice on where to take his boat fishing in The Lower Keys and how to figure out the rules on the water. |
3/18/2013 | floridasportsman | Discussion of collecting fiddler crabs for bait and other baits. User referred our Live Bait page. |
1/8/2013 |
pensacolafishingforum | Discussion on Fishing Carts and the pictures on our Fishing Carts webpage. |
11/13/2012 | southfloridasharkclub | "Some crazy pictures." Users discussing our amazing Historical Fishing Pictures page. |
11/08/2012 | boatlessfishing | "SICK PIC!!!" User comment on a huge queen snapper picture posted on our Catch of the Month |
11/08/2012 | spearfishingplanet | "Read this, it'll be well worth your time: Anglers Trash Sushi Grade Tuna - Florida Go Fishing " Discussion about Ft Lauderdale fishing trip and what to do with bonitos. |
8/23/2012 | spearboard | We helped a spear angler plan a trip to Dry Tortugas. He writes about his trip and gives us a big thank you! |
8/8/2012 | spearboard | "Very cool article." Interesting discussion started after we posted the page Anglers Trash Sushi Grade Tuna. |
7/26/12 | floridasportsman | "Check this siteout!" Link to our GPS Charts. Discussion on taking a small boat to offshore reef - very interesting read and good tips, if you start from page 1. |
7/10/2012 | spearboard | "Try surfing around on here:GPS Charts l That's where I get all my GPS coords off of and it's usually spot on!" Response to Link: "Hey thanks DJ, great site! Doesn't look to have the number I'm after but lots of useful information there!" |
2/20/2012 | greatlakesfisherman | "you can charter the boat owned by Brian Urlacher, the Linebreaker." A link to our Charter Boat Directory. You can see this boat all over our website because it is docked just next door to Florida Go Fishing's office in Naples. Check out the Southeast section on the charters page and hire his boat, it's amazing!![]() |