Funky Fish Pictures
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Ever look closely at your fish catch? Some fish are pretty funky looking. An then the
ones that get caught in very deep water come up all goggle-eyed and bloated making some pretty interesting subjects to photograph. Our photographers have a quirky sense of humor, taking some weird looking pictures just for the fun of it. So we decided to put them all on one page and share them with our readers. You will never look at a fish the same after seeing some of these close-ups. Come back again, we will add more photos as we take them.
Pufferfish inside a red grouper's mouth!
Ramora Fish suction cups on head used to attach to big fish.
Ramora stuck to the roof of a boat, it was over 3 feet long.
Cleaning Spiny Lobster - first separate the tail from the body.
Take the antenna and push the narrow end into the anus and pull.
Longnose Batfish have warts on their back and can walk!
Giant eyeball of a fish found on Pompano Beach October 2012.
Inside the mouth of a big Cubera Snapper. Photo courtesy of Beast Charters of Miami. (this is not the same fish as the one below)
A Shark bit off the whole body of the big Cubera Snapper as they reeled it in on trip with Beast Charters of Miami.
Longnose Batfish have warts on their back and can walk!
Wonder what ripped the forehead off this big gag while we fought it to the surface! It did not appear to be a shark bite and looked more like someone took a 'giant roto tool' and worked away on a pretty damn hard skull. Image Courtesy of Last Mango Sportfishing Charters, Fort Pierce
Red Grouper from over 100 feet offshore wreck with popped eyes.
Learn about this common occurrence on Catch & Release Fishing
Red Grouper's mouth showing stomach coming up. Notice the teeth.
Another Red Grouper - see the teeth and extreme popped eyes.
Underside of Red Grouper showing gills and chin.
Gills of the Red Grouper
OK, this 8 month old Boxer puppy isn't a fish but he caught his first mouse and offered it up for bait. Jake is our mascot.
Reg Porgy face
Red Porgy close-up of eye.
90 pound Black Grouper face. Notice the beady little eye.
Looking down the throat of a Black Grouper.
Gill of the Black Grouper. Isn't nature beautiful!
(2) 70 pound Black Grouper heads.
Amberjack face showing nice yellow rimmed eye.
Inside the Amberjack mouth showing white gill plates.
200 pound Nurse Shark filleted - notice center missing, lots of blood
The guts of the Nurse Shark after removing the fillet.
Dolphin fish filleted. Image Courtesy of Last Mango Sportfishing Charters
Ladyfish cut up on boat rail for bait.
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