< Florida Reefs Interactive GPS Chart Reefs Shipwrecks
Florida Go Fishing man holding snook fish

Interactive GPS Chart

GPS Coordinates > Florida Reefs Interactive GPS Chart

Fishing & Dive Sites memory card from florida go fishingUse our interactive GPS coordinates online APP to find your next Florida fishing spot. We have natural reefs, artificial reefs, shipwrecks and deep water GPS numbers for fishing and diving. Mouse over the marks to see the details of each site, GPS coordinates, depth and relief of each site. Zoom into the area you are interested in to see what sites are close by.

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The paid version of our KML data files work on Google Earth Pro software and show the GPS coordinates for each site on a map.

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Chart Key

***The omission of symbols on charts does NOT mean it is OK to fish, lobster or spearfish a site - inquire about rules locally.

icon Symbol Index

_MPA = Marine Protected Area - No Fishing - Trolling for pelagic species such as Tuna, Dolphin, Mackerel and Billfish is allowed |
_SMZ = Key Biscayne [SMZ] Area 2 sq miles = Gear restricted to hook & line; no sprearguns, traps, long lines
_XB = Mooring Buoy(s) No Fishing while tied to buoy
_B = Mooring Buoy(s) OK to Fish while tied to buoy
_X = No fishing, lobstering, spearfishing - Diving and Snorkeling allowed
_EMA = Existing Management Area within SPA - Regulations differ by area and fishing is allowed under certain circumstances, check rules before fishing
_ER = Ecological Reserves - FKNMS Access Permit required to stop or use a mooring buoy.
_HAP = Historical Archaeological Preserve - Removal of artifacts prohibited [NL] = No Lobstering
_XS = No Spearfishing
_RO = Research Only Special-Use Areas - No Entry Without a FKNMS Access Permit
_S = Spearfishing OK [X] = No fishing, Lobstering, spearfishing - Diving and Snorkeling allowed
_SPA = Sanctuary Preservation Areas - No fishing, Lobstering, spear fishing, anchoring on the reef, standing or touching anything - Diving and Snorkeling allowed
_SPAT = Sanctuary Preserve Area - Catch & Release trolling OK; all other forms of fishing not allowed
_WMA = Wildlife Management Area - Fishing OK - operating a personal watercraft, an airboat, or water skiing is prohibited


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  • The National Marines Sanctuary's overlay on the Google Earth chart shows the boundaries of the SPA areas in the Keys. Florida Go Fishing used the official boundary GPS coordinates found in the FKNMS full text of sanctuary regulations see 15 CFR 922 Subpart P.
  • Not for Navigational Use. These Number Are Not Guaranteed. There are No Warranties Expressed or Implied.
  • Due to the Increased and Severity of Recent and Past Hurricane Activity it is Very Possible These Numbers May Be Off.
  • Rules change frequently, always inquire locally before fishing, Lobstering, or spearfishing.

Multiple resources were used to create our Florida GPS Coordinates Reef Charts. This data is provided as a tool to increase your fishing and/or diving enjoyment and is not intended to be used for navigational purposes. This information is provided only as a courtesy and there is NO guaranties, warranties, express or implied, or representations as to the accuracy of this content. Florida Go Fishing assumes NO liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the information contained here. If you find an error or omission in the data, please feel free to contact us with the correct information and we will verify the error or omission and correct it as soon as possible.